Ideas for Creating Your Event's Photo Spot

Including a photo booth is a great way to help people remember your event in addition to being a form of entertainment. Even so, there are some steps you should take if you want your guests to have fun and build memories. Fortunately, creating the perfect photo spot for your next party or shower can be easy when you keep the following things in mind.

Select the Right Location

Choose a location that is easy for people to access, yet will not disrupt the flow of your party. For indoor events, a corner opposite your food, drink, and gift tables would be ideal. When hosting an outdoor event, you have a great deal more flexibility and may even want to choose your spot based on scenery.

The amount of space you need can determine your location as well. The size of your photo booth may vary; however, one that is between six and eight feet wide will allow for group pictures.

When choosing an indoor spot, stay away from open windows as much as possible. Sunlight streaming through windows can cast an unnecessary glare that might then make your photographs blurry.

Add Attractive Signage

A photo booth is something that most of your guests will spot right away. That doesn't mean everyone will pick up on it, which is why you should have signage that clearly identifies your event’s photo spot or tells people which way to go. When choosing signage, be sure it is in keeping with your party's theme, and also flows well with your backdrop.

Create the Perfect Backdrop

Your backdrop is perhaps the most important part of your photo spot. A well-designed backdrop will encourage people to take more pictures, and even makes it more likely that they will share them. Some ideas for your backdrop include:

  • Flower arrangements in your preferred colours

  • Balloons

  • Curtains or draperies

  • Arches

  • Artificial fencing

Pallet-themed backdrops are always popular and are suitable for both formal and informal events. If you are looking for an attractive option, our Hamptons or Pallet backdrops would be ideal for a birthday party, shower, wedding, or any other event.

Include Lighting

Even a well-designed photo booth will not provide you with great pictures unless you also have ample lighting. As such, you should ensure your event’s photo spot has some form of lighting, particularly if you are hosting an outdoor event where guests may take photographs after the sun goes down.

When it comes to lighting, you have plenty of options. For example, a standing lamp or spotlight will allow your guests to better control the amount of lighting. Strings of lanterns or Christmas lights can cast a warm glow while allowing just enough light for great photographs. You may even place a few battery-operated candles throughout your photo spot in order to achieve the same effect.

What happens if you can't avoid an indoor spot near windows? In that case, you may wish to provide curtains or a folding screen to block some of the light so that it is not bothersome.

Add Props

People will enjoy your photo booth even more if they have the opportunity to cut loose and act crazy. A great way to get them to do that is by having a basket of fun props available. This could be anything from funny hats that they could wear to objects like canes or umbrellas that they might hold. You may even want to include a unique photo frame that your guests could hold up while taking their pictures. Keep your event's theme in mind to come up with interesting photo props that will get everyone talking.

Decide on Seating

Will your guests have their pictures taken standing up, or would you prefer to have them sitting down? If you want seated photographs to be an option, then you will need to provide them with a bench or chair. Alternatively, you could also place a few stools inside your photo booth. That way, people could easily move them out of the way if they desired standing photographs.

Choose comfortable seating that matches the backdrop and theme of your event. If you don't have seating that matches, improvise by draping a sheet or piece of fabric over some wooden boxes or crates.

Leave Written Instructions

Would you like your guests to post their photographs to your social media page? Do you want them to use a particular hashtag when doing so? Are you hoping they will email their pictures to you? Others will not know what you are expecting unless you tell them, which is why you may also want to include a small sign with specific instructions.

Put Someone in Charge of Your Event’s Photo Spot

Unless you are hiring a professional photographer, individuals will be taking their own photographs. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have someone oversee your photo spot. That person can help usher everyone through (which might be important if one group tries to "hog" the photo booth). He or she can also straighten your backdrop or pick up props as needed. And your guests will appreciate having an extra person around who can take pictures for them so that one individual does not have to sit out.

Get the Ball Rolling

Some of your guests may be shy about being the first one in your photo booth. And unless people see others using your photo spot, they may hesitate to do so also. To get the ball rolling, take a few pictures yourself (or elect someone else to kick things off for you). You'll probably find that once the picture taking begins, everyone else will be eager to follow suit.

These tips will help you establish the ideal photo spot for your next event. When planning your party, you may also need help with platters and gift boxes, grazing tables, drinks, cocktails, or picnic styling. If so, we have a wide range of products that are well-suited for a variety of occasions. Please contact us so that we can assist you with finding the right ones.


The Complete Hosting Guide for Baby Showers